Kits are packages that help to extend module’s functionality. Sometimes, there are some cases, when we need a TCP connection with the target and to avoid writing TCP client by yourself, you can use a kit.

There are different kits available in the HatSploit Framework, you can read about them in the Kits section.


To use a kit, you simple need to include it from the hatsploit.lib.module.

After importing a kit, you need to inherit the module from it, so it will be active.

Here is an example of the module that utilizes SSH:

from hatsploit.lib.module.basic import *
from hatsploit.lib.module.proto import SSH

class HatSploitModule(Module, SSH):
    ... snip ...

Kits also declare their options inside the module. For the above example, these options will be declared automatically:

  • timeout - IntegerOption(10, "Connection timeout.", False)
  • host - IPv4Option(None, "SSH host.", True)
  • port - PortOption(22, "SSH port.", True)
  • username - Option(None, "SSH username.", True)
  • password - Option(None, "SSH password.", True)

So, after inheriting from this kit, you won’t need to declare them by yourself.

Read more about options here.